May 24, 2017 | Dr. Billy Cheong DC. The amazing sport of Golf has exploded in popularity and many people around the world have a tremendous love for the game. There is a lot of skill involved and has an explosive nature with the swing, which can put a tremendous amount of stress on the body, which can lead to various injuries. However, many of these injuries can be prevented.
Elite Spine and Health Center specializes in golf related injuries and identifying imbalances to improve your game.
Common Golf Injuries are from Over-use, poor mechanics, over-swinging, not warming-up properly, incorrect grip and set up.
These factors can lead to the most common golfing injuries:
Low Back Pain – This is one of the most common injuries in America and if you combine that with the stress that is put on the back as you bend forward while putting a tremendous amount of torque to your spine repetitively throughout the course of several hours, is a recipe for disaster, unless you take the proper measures to prevent this injury.
Elbow Tendinitis – AKA Golfers Elbow or Tennis Elbow. This is the most common elbow injury and is inflammation of the tendons that connect to the elbow. The risk of having this condition goes up with age and repetitive use. Treatment for this condition involves reducing the inflammation, soft tissue techniques, rehabbing/strengthening muscle strength around the elbow as well as improving mechanics
Knee Pain – Extreme force is applied to the knee with a golf swing, which can compromise the ligaments that support and stabilize the knee. For people who already have arthritis on the knee, golf can speed up the degenerative process of the knee because of the amount of stress put on the knee.
Shoulder Pain – Improper mobility of the shoulder, hitting a rock or divot, or a poor swing can lead to shoulder tendinitis, bursitis, or even a tear in the rotator cuff or other shoulder structures.
Wrist/Hand Injuries – Repetitive motions and the high velocity swing puts a lot of stress on the wrists leading to tendinitis or swelling of the tendons and ligaments. This can be prevented with proper mechanics and conditioning.
Neck Injuries – This is most common in new golfers who are not used to swinging a golf club and stress the wrong parts of their bodies. Like most injuries, this can be prevented with proper warm-ups, conditioning your body, and doing corrective exercises/stretches for the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
Foot and Ankle Injuries – The powerful motion of the swing starts with the feet pushing against the ground. Each foot does something differently throughout the swing. Ankle sprains, tendinitis, and blisters are common foot and ankle injuries. Properly fitted shoes and mechanics are the best preventative measures.
Hip Injuries – The hip is a large joint, but takes on a lot of stress. The pivoting of the foot stresses the hip joint during the swing and can cause injury. Tendinitis, bursitis, and tears are the most common injuries. Adding flexibility and strength to the muscles surrounding the hip joint along with a proper warm up is the best preventative measure.